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About Us

About Us

Founded in mid-2011 FITYOU NATION emerged in the retail market with the ideal of bringing together the best brands of Fashion Fitness. With great dedication, work and love, we have gained recognition and prominence in the national and international scene, with immense pride for pioneering in the field.

FITYOU NATION was created to women who love to dress well and with style in and outside the gym. We provide all the last news in fitness fashion market, valuing first for quality, comfort, beauty and good taste in all products selected.

We aim to excellence in providing our services, always working with Agility, Sympathy and efficiency, so that our guests feel as our family members and take part in our history.

Come and meet us!

Fit You - Fashion Fitness - Workout Clothes - Activewear

The Best Fitness and Fashion Brands. Labellamafia, Maria Gueixa, Pit Bull, Hipkini, Lets Gym, Garotafit, Canoan and others.

Adorei cada peça comprada e olha que dessa vez foram várias devido a ótima promoção do site. Como sempre satisfeita com a qualidade dos produtos, entrega rápida e atendimento muito bom, parabéns a equipe 👍

Rose C.
João Pessoa - PB - Brasil
Amei a entrega super rápida recomendo nota 10 as roupas é igualzinho o anúncio

Lucinéia M.
Verdelândia - MG - Brasil
Olá ótimo,, não tenho do quê reclamar,, muito obrigada

Ivonete M.
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Gostei muito do meu pedido e veio no prazo certo super indico o site de confiança e muito prático pra fazer as compras

Joyce M.
Indaiatuba - SP - Brasil

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Rua Azevedo Soares, 1340
Vila Gomes Cardim - São Paulo - SP
WhatsApp: (11) 94156-9782
CUSTOMER CARE WhatsApp : (11) 94156-8424 Phone: (11) 2291-2875 (Segunda a Sábado das 10h as 18h) Email: STORE Fit You
Dani Banani LTDA
CNPJ: 14.228.622/0001-86
Rua Azevedo Soares, 1340
São Paulo - SP
Brasil - 03322001

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